Intro To Android (Workbook 2)



Threading & Lifecycle

You create and run async tasks on the main UI thread. You can only run the task once, if you want to run a similar task,you'll need to create a new one.

Note: AsyncTask's are tied to the Activity lifecycle and will be destroyed on configuration changes, etc. This example shows how to store and restore an AsyncTask: Shelves


public class DownloadFileTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String>
    protected void onPreExecute()
        // What to do before starting
        // Example: Start a loading indicator

    protected String doInBackground( String... urls )
        // The background work to be completed
        // Example: Fetch data from the web and process

    protected void onProgressUpdate( Void... values )
        // What to show the user during processing
        // Example: Update percentage of download complete

    protected void onPostExecute( String result )
        // What to do when done
        // Example: Post notification to Otto bus


new DownloadFileTask().execute(url);


public class DownloadFileTaskTest
    private BusHelper  helper;

    public void setUp() throws Exception
        DownloadFileTask task = getDownloadFileTask();


        helper = new BusHelper();
        LocalFoodApplication.getInstance().getBus().register( helper );


    public void shouldPostLocationListAvailableWhenDone()
        assertTrue( helper.getLastEvent() instanceof LocationListAvailable );

    private DownloadFileTask getDownloadFileTask()
        return new DownloadFileTask()
            protected String doInBackground( String... urls )
                return null;